Financial mistreatment
Did you know that one in 3 calls reported to the Helpline concerns material and financial mistreatment?
There's financial mistreatment when there's « Illegal, unauthorized or dishonest acquisition or use of the older adult’s property or legal documents; lack of information or misinformation regarding financial or legal matters ».
Material or financial mistreatment can manifest in the form of violence or neglect and can have several indicators.
Pressure to change a will, banking transactions without the person’s consent (use of a debit card, online banking, etc.), misappropriation of money or assets, excessive price charged for services provided, forced or concealed contractual or insurance transaction, identity theft, signature of a lease under pressure,etc.
Failure to manage the person’s assets in his or her best interest or to provide the necessary goods and/or services as required, failure to assess the person’s abilities, understanding and financial literacy, etc.
Unusual banking transactions, disappearance of valuable items, lack of money for regular expenses, limited access to information regarding the management of the person’s assets, etc.
Resources and services available at all times, everywhere in Quebec
9-1-1 Emergency services
Police, ambulance and fire services. To contact when the health or safety of a person is compromised.
Free telephone intervention service to quickly reach a psychosocial worker in the region
Free telephone intervention service to quickly reach a psychosocial worker in the region
Centre de prévention du suicide
Free support services for people who are suicidal, their loved ones, people bereaved by suicide and caregivers.
Resources in situations of suspected mistreatment (for older adults)
The Mistreatment Helpline
Provincial telephone line for listening and referral, specializing in the mistreatment of older adults and all adults in vulnerable situations.
The Line offers its professional consultation service to anyone in the financial sector working with older adults experiencing mistreatment. Toll-free, confidential and bilingual service available every day, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Accessible by telephone or by appointment online.
CDPDJ - Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse
Organization which aims to defend the rights of individuals under the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, particularly in relation to exploitation. Article 48. Free and confidential services.
CLSC - Centre local de services communautaires
Free front-line health and social services, which aims to support the individual to improve the state of health and well-being of citizens.
Varies by region
CLPQS - Commissaire local aux plaintes et à la qualité des services des CISSS et CIUSSS
Service for receiving and processing user complaints, similar to the services provided within the health and social services network. They also receive reports of mistreatment.
Varies by region
CAAP - Centre d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes
Free assistance and support services for people who wish to file a complaint with a health and social services establishment.
Resources in case of financial Fraud
Municipal police or Sûreté du Québec
Services for receiving and processing complaints related to fraud, extortion or identity theft.
Varies by region
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
Central organization that collects information and criminal intelligence on Canadian-originated fraud complaints.
Autorité des marchés financiers
Assistance and protection services: filing a complaint regarding a representative or a financial enterprise; reporting fraud.
Office de la protection du consommateur
Service for information and reception of complaints related to a product or service purchased.
TransUnion Canada
Credit bureau which offers assistance to victims of fraud: credit monitoring products.
Other resources - In case of incapacity
Curateur public du Québec
Organization which aims to ensure the protection of incapable people, the safeguarding of their autonomy and respect for their rights. Registre des régimes de protection :
Other resources - In the event of a dispute in a private residence for older adults
Fédération des Centres d’assistance et d’accompagnement aux plaintes
Since April 1, 2019, the regional assistance and support centers can offer people living in private seniors' residences assistance and support services to help them resolve their lease disputes.
Community organizations specializing in the fight against mistreatment
Community organizations specializing in the fight against mistreatment
Some community organizations have the principal mission of combatting the mistreatment of older adults. However, this type of organization is not found in all regions of Quebec. To find out about the organizations in your region, you can contact The Mistreatment Helpline
ACEF association coopérative d’économie familiale
Contact details for Quebec – ACEF Estrie
- Portrait of your financial situation
- Preventative advice
- Budgeting methods
- Negotiation with creditors
- Information on rights and appeals
- Debt Solutions
AQDR association québécoise de défense de droits des retraités
The regional AQDRs can support older adults in various procedures related to their rights. Program for helping older adults.

The mission of The Mistreatment Helpline is to establish and implement a national telephone line dedicated to listening, timely intervention, crisis management and specialized guidance regarding the mistreatment of older adults.
In operation since October 1, 2010, The Mistreatment Helpline (formerly The Elder Mistreatment Helpline) is located at the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal and financed by the Secretariat aux Aînés. As part of the new 2022-2027 Government Action Plan, The Mistreatment Helpline is renewing its services for at least five years and expanding its mandate and partnerships, in order to continue to counter the mistreatment of older adults one call at a time.
Frequently Asked
Can I contact you even if I’m not sure whether it’s a situation of mistreatment?
Yes. If you see troubling signs, feel free to contact The Mistreatment Helpline at 1-888-489-2287 to talk about the situation.
Can I contact you by email for help or information?
No. Every situation that is brought to our attention merits a detailed evaluation. Since we offer a helpline service, we invite you to contact The Mistreatment Helpline at 1-888-489-2287. By talking with you, we can make sure we understand the situation and can recommend courses of action or possible solutions.
What happens if I leave a message on your voicemail?
If all of our practitioners are busy, or if you call outside of our operating hours, you’ll be invited to leave a message on our voicemail. Rest assured that we treat all information with the utmost confidentiality. Feel secure in leaving us a detailed message, making sure to give us your contact information, and let us know whether we can leave a message on your voicemail. We will call you back within 24 hours. Note that for security reasons, The Mistreatment Helpline (LAMAA) number does not display on the caller ID. In addition, we will not leave a voicemail message unless explicitly authorized by you.
I think I’m a victim of fraud, can I call you?
There are more and more media reports on fraud cases involving older adults. It is an increasingly prevalent problem, particularly online. Feel free to call us if you believe you are a victim of fraud. Our practitioners can refer you to the appropriate resources or provide support if you are experiencing difficulties. Fraud can have a negative impact on a person’s physical and psychological well-being.
The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre collects information on fraud and identity theft. We provide information on past and current scams affecting Canadians. If you think you're a victim of fraud,
Can I call you if it’s an emergency situation?
The Mistreatment Helpline (LAMAA) is not an emergency service. In emergency situations, please call 9-1-1.
Can I remain anonymous if I call The Mistreatment Helpline?
Yes. We respect the wishes of individuals who do not want to be identified. Rest assured that we treat all information with the utmost confidentiality. Feel safe to leave us a message with your contact information, if you so choose.
When people contact you, do you open a file?
No. The Mistreatment Helpline (LAMAA) is a confidential service and it is our obligation to protect the privacy and personal information of callers. All information gathered during calls is noted in summarized form and remains confidential.
Do you investigate when a caller alerts you to a situation of mistreatment?
No. We offer evaluation services specifically geared to the mistreatment of older adults and all adults in vulnerable situations. Our role is also to listen and to provide information, support and referrals. It is not within our mandate to investigate situations of mistreatment. However, we can direct you toward organizations that do have this mandate, depending on your needs and the situation.
I wish to express my dissatisfaction with the services offered by The Mistreatment Helpline. How do I proceed?
If you wish to express your dissatisfaction with the services received from professionals at The Mistreatment Helpline or if you wish to file a formal complaint:
- You can contact The Mistreatment Helpline and you will be directed to the Clinical Activity Specialist or LAMAA Coordinator depending on the nature of your dissatisfaction.
By phone: 1-888-489-2287 or 514-489-2287 - If you are not satisfied or wish to make a formal complaint regarding the handling of complaints, you may contact the office of the CIUSSS West-Central Montreal Quality and Complaints Commissioner:
By phone : 514-340-8222, ext 2422
By email:
I live outside of Quebec. Can I call you?
You can call us if the situation concerns a person living in the province of Quebec, even if you live outside of the province or outside of Canada.
Do you offer the helpline service in languages other than English and French?
Yes, we can use an interpretation service to assist us in offering our services in other languages. We also invite you to consult the “Cultural communities” tab to find other organizations that can serve you in your language.
I'm hard of hearing, can I call you?
Yes, we can help people who are deaf or hard of hearing and those with a speech impediment by calling on the relay service.
I’m an adult experiencing mistreatment. Can I contact you?
The Mistreatment Helpline (LAMAA) is for anyone who is concerned about a situation of mistreatment of older adults and all adults in vulnerable situations.